A Cubist’s dream, with buildings rising willy-nilly, squares and rectangles fitting into each other like a broken puzzle. But this is only from the balcony, for there are more aesthetic views to be had from my windows. There is the park at the side of the house, with its carousel, the wide expanses of green where people walk their dogs, stroll, and enjoy some ephemeral minutes of city rest. There are the jacaranda trees, blooming a thick purple and shedding their color over the newly placed white tiles that make the pathways. But it is to the back window that I mostly turn. The Cubist patterns that cut across flaming skies, the antennas making vertical line cuts upwards. The front view is the obvious one, but this one, expanding across my wide balcony allows me to see into others’ lives, placing me in the world of quotidian humanity at its daily tasks.